Thursday, May 14, 2009


My normal routine that I do when I get to work is to come in put my lunch in the fridge, pass out morning work, and check my emails and my the blogs that I follow. My coworker, Ashley, got me interested in Amy George's blog. She is the lady who has raised a lot of money for the neonatal intensive care unit for the local hospital in memory of her daughter that was born and shortly after went to be with Jesus. I was reading her recent post and it just spoke mountains to me. I just sat and cried. I know that I am blessed with a healthy daughter, but I don't think that I realize how many women out there are struggling with infertility, loss of a child, or miscarriages. I think that sometimes I need to be brought back down from my "perfect world" bubble and realize that things could be different. Thank you Father for giving me Tillie Ann. She is truly a gift form you. Thank you so much Father.

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